Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Performance Strategies: From eZine to Blog

Many of you have come to this Blog as a previous eZine subscriber to “The Drive to Achieve (DTA)” from my website at If so, let me extend a special welcome.

For those who did not know, “The Drive to Achieve” was an eZine based on the thoughts and ideas stemming from my forthcoming book of the same name.

While I tried in earnest to deliver DTA to all subscribers, I was getting more and more “bounced” e-mails. I quickly discovered (as are many other e-mail newsletter writers) that spam filters have become quite unforgiving lately (in spite of running spam-check first). Then I discovered Blogs and realized I could still write my eZine (just in another format) and people could simply subscribe to the feed.

We all benefit. You, my valued readers, have more control and I know those who want The Drive to Achieve eZine are still getting it.

In addition to the new material, over time, I will post all the previous issues’ content here.

Thanks for staying connected. Please forward the link at right to your friends, family, colleagues, associates or anyone else you fell may benefit from some practical performance advice.

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