Friday, December 08, 2006

Performance Strategies: Needle in a Haystack...finding the power people in a crowd

OK, you've landed at the business reception with a handful of cards (see: Performance Strategies: shotgun or sniper rifle). Now you've got 60 minutes to make 4-6 meaningful relationships. How do you find the "players", those influential people who can help make you more successful?

Simple, just look at the crowd and you will quickly see pockets of people standing around a single person. That's the leader in each group. Yes, sometimes it's the " class clown" but you'll quickly figure that out.

Having identified the leader, move in and observe. Don't say anything yet other than to nod or agree with the leader. When the moment is right, you'll have a chance to introduce yourself, state your business and make contact. Don't make a pitch. Listen for their needs, collect his/her card and database it. Immediately hand write a "nice to have met you" note (no e-mail here). Do this consistently and business will follow.

Now, how would you like to be more assertive? How would you like to position yourself as the center, the leader, the influencer...and drive the business to you? OK, stay tuned for the next networking installment.

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