Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Performance Strategies: Don't turn "Self-Help" into "Shelf-Help"!

How may times have you bought a self-help book or program, reviewed it, digested it, attempted to apply it, just to put it on the shelf never to be used again? I call that turning self-help into shelf-help and too may of us have done it all too often.

Oh yes, I am one of the guilty parties. I have so many self-help books, CDs, casette tapes, DVDs, workbooks and the like I could fill the entire personal development section of your favorite bookstore. Some I've never even opened! Many of the ones I have, I never finished. Of those I finished, all too many of the valuable teachings remain unapplied...

Ahhhhh. but to take responsibility for that lack of action and to be accountable to yourself for it is actually enlightening. OK then, now what? Well, the answer is not in those self-help programs, it is in the "self", itself! In other words, assuming you are getting good content, it is you who must ACT! The "book" does nothing.

The simple solution? You need outside help!

I am sure you want success. I am equally certain you are willing to do what it takes to have it. BUT, the issue is following a plan with sustained and correct action. Most of us find it hard to ask for help or to seek it out.

Go out and get yourself a mentor, a coach and a personal assistant. Notice I did not say one or the other. I of each. Oh, and please don't post a reply that you can't afford it. What you can't afford is that attitude. Either make excuses or make it happen. Choose!

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